Directions to the Carriage House
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New York City / Long Island

I-80 to Delaware Water Gap Bridge continue to RTE 380 North, to the first the first Exit 3, Pocono Manor / Pocono Summit / Rte 940 East to the First exit which will be Pocono Manor, make a right at the stop sign, go a 1/4 Mile to the Pocono Manor Pillars, make the second left at the Carriage House Sign.

  DC / Baltimore / Philadelphia
I-95 to 476 (Pennsylvania Turnpike Extension) toExit 35 (Whitehaven Exit). Take Route 940 Eastfor about 25 miles and exit at Pocono Summit/Pocono Manor. Make a right at the Stop sign andgo 1/4 mile. At the Pocono Manor pillars, bearright, and make the second left at the CarriageHouse sign.


81 South to Route 380 South to Exit 3 (Mt. Pocono).Take Route 940 East and at the Stop sign make a left crossing Westbound lanes. (Please be careful.) Take 940 East to first exit--PoconoSummit/Pocono Manor. Make a right at the Stopsign and go 1/4 mile. At the Pocono Manor pillars,bear right, and then make a left at the secondCarriage House sign.

  ALBANY / MILFORD / BOSTON Route 84 West to Promise Land--Route 390 to Route940 West. At light on Route 611, make a right andthen a left at the next light onto Route 940 West.Exit at Pocono Summit/Pocono Manor sign and go 1/4 mile. At the Pocono Manor pillars, bear right, and then make a left at the second Carriage House sign.